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FAIR TRADE ORGANIC and guaranteed delicious
At a great price, too!

We have done a lot of research with coffee drinkers over the years. And one thing that has stood out from all of the conversations, focus groups and formal market research that we conducted is that consumers really want to buy Fair Trade Organic coffee. They feel good about the fact that Fair Trade helps farmers earn a fair wage and that it specifically allocates funds to help improve the local communities. And they like that fact that organic coffee is grown using only all-natural products and methods that support a cleaner, more sustainable environment.

But we also found that most consumers tend not to purchase Fair Trade Organic because the price is usually significantly higher than conventional coffees. Fair Trade Organic coffees are more expensive to produce because of the very strict standards that must be employed throughout the growing and processing stages. As a result, typically these higher costs are passed on to consumers along with higher profits for the coffee roasters. We feel there is a better way.

We want more people to enjoy Fair Trade Organic coffee. So we decided to offer our Fair Trade Organic coffee at a Fair Price – a price significantly lower than most competitors. Sure, we could probably charge more for our coffee but we would rather charge less and have more people enjoy more Fair Trade Organic coffee. That would mean more support for coffee farmers and their communities, and more support of environmental sustainability.

On behalf of all of the small, family coffee farms with whom we work, we thank you for your support!